'Homeschooling' Through the Summer JK-SK

So we definitely will be spending much of our time having fun, playing with new toys, drawing lots of pictures and playing outside. However, I also want to do activities to ensure that E continues to learn this summer.

Prior to beginning JK E did not know how to spell his name, all the letter or number names, all the sounds of letters, how to read or add/subtract. Through his time in JK (3 full days a week) as well as time spent with me on home days (2 full days a week) he has learned a LOT of those things.

To ensure his skills stay where they are or develop more (not regress) I wanted to continue doing similar activities as we would do on home days as well as the home reading that began at school.

Reading for Fun
First and foremost, we read to E every day. Once before quiet time for 5-10 minutes and once before bed for 20-30 minutes. A love of reading is something I want my kids to develop.
E's class used a Fountas & Pinnell home reading set, he had just switched to a level B right before school ended. I have a family member with access to Reading A-Z home readers and it is levelled in the same manner as F&P.
There are also many free online resources by simply searching for Free Sight Word Reader or Free Early Reader or Emergent Readers. Here are a few sites I've used for free printable books:
Home reading is already a part of our daily schedule at home. On school days and on home days E would do his home reading with me after quiet time, before screen time.

Daily Writing
One thing his class did every day was daily writing. They would draw a picture and caption it with minimal spelling help, just using phonics and creative spelling. E would often just spell his name as his daily writing instead of a caption. I plan to continue this 2-3 times a week with E to increase his confidence in this activity. I foresee a lot of menu writing in our future as it's E's favourite imaginary play right now.
In Our Spare Time
Honestly, we could stop right there and that would be PLENTY. But E's used to me having learning activities on hand on home days and looks forward to doing them for our 'special time' when T's napping. So I've pulled together some other resources that we will do on days we don't have other major scheduled activities (ex. day camp, beach, museum, zoo).

See my Kindergarten Pinterest page and Preschooler page for many links to great activities we have done/used.
"Math Skills - Grade 1" Teacher Created Resources workbook ($7) (includes adding/subtracting)
Card Games / Uno
Board Games
Hundreds Chart Battleship / Missing Numbers Charts (up to 30 to start)
Measuring Lengths of Objects
Pattern Block Mats

Alphabet/Phonics/Site Words
"Consonants - Grade 1" Teacher Created Resources workbook ($7)
Sight Word worksheets like these
Blended Consonant Puzzles
Name Tracing Practice I'm interested in having him work on spelling his name using an uppercase letter first followed by the remaining letters in lowercase. Also working on appropriate heights for each letter.
Other Worksheets
"Kindergarten Fun" Teacher Created Resources workbook ($7)
Hidden Picture / I Spy Activities
Colour by Number or Sight Word
Science (Body Systems, Migration/Hibernation, Food Type Sorting)
Social Studies (Famous People, Continents, Landmarks)
Craft Projects/Drawing
Glitter Markers
Kinetic Sand
Water Colour Painting Pages


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