Preschooler Books about Feelings

When writing my post with suggestions for picture books about anger, I realized I didn't start at the beginning. Kids need to know about all of their emotions.

Books are a great way of explaining the concepts of feelings and how they feel different in their brains and in their bodies. Since books are read over and over the repetition can help cement the ideas and in this case understanding of their own emotions.

Books are also a great resource to go to when a child is having a big emotion (or just after a big emotion) and point out which emotion it might be based on the situation and cues from their body.

My two favourite are:

In My Heart by: Jo Witek

This book goes through how our heart feels with each feeling which I think is really important to normalize the whole range of emotions.

The Way I Feel by: Janan Cain

This book goes through every feeling and explains different scenarios of when a small child might have those feelings. The illustrations that go along with each feeling are also great. I try to point out different facial expressions or body language that corresponds to the feeling.


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