Wild ONE Decorations

For T's first birthday we had an awesome safari-themed birthday party. See the full post here. In the original post I forgot to include the adorable onesie my mom made for T, so here it is!

Here is a link to the Pinterest board where I collected ideas for this birthday party. If interested, click on any of the photos below to enlarge them. In this post I will outline how each of the decorations including some free printables I created!

Inspiration for this large WILD ONE sign came from this picture and this blog. I used real dried moss I bought on sale, a glue gun and 1/2" thick corrugated cardboard we had in the garage. First I drew the letters use a long straight edge and a small ruler to keep the width of the letters consistent. For the ONE I was able to draw on the front side since it was covered, but remember when you do the WILD to use a pencil so you can erase the lines completely.

I ended up re-drawing the O as the original one (above) wasn't the right size. I love how the  real moss turned out on this sign. After putting moss on all three letters we went back and filled in little spaces we could see to make sure that the cardboard wasn't showing from the front.

While I loved these, I knew the photos I had couldn't be cropped down easily into squares. So I created my own and printed them onto brown craft cardstock. I'm going to put these in T's baby box :)

Below are free printables (.jpg) that you can download and print on 8.5"x11" cardstock as pictured. Change your printer settings to thick paper and if possible manually feed the paper to the printer.
Free Printables: One Year in Photos 

I found a free printable here for the YAY sign and party animal printables. I also love having balloons at parties, especially for toddlers. They provide weeks of entertainment at our house after the party.

I love a statistics board at a first birthday. I made this one originally for E's first birthday three years prior but of course the information was tailored to T. It was simple to make. I bought a large stretched canvas and painted it with blackboard paint. Once it was fully dried I then chalk pens to write out a title and then the list of information.

Since these little ones are better able to eat sitting in a high chair I chose a simple way to decorate it that looks adorable and certainly ties in with the theme! I wanted to make something similar to this, so I used leftover safari fabric and some ribbons from the clearance bin as well as some craft foam to make the letters ONE.

I know I didn't go into minute detail on how to make these decorations as I felt most were pretty straight forward. That being said if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them!


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