Bib and Facecloth Organization System

Originally posted June 16, 2014.

Once we started feeding E solids, close to 7 months, we realized we needed some storage on the main floor to keep things contained.

The first solution was  a wet bag to store dirty cloths and bibs. It was simply attached to the high chair with two scrap pieces of fabric.

Quick, simple and very effective. The best part about this is that I can simply take this laundry and do a pre-soak before I wash it so that the food crusties and stains are minimized.

I also wanted to have a place for the clean bibs and cloths to be stored. I found the perfect container at Target. There's plenty of room to store all of our bibs and a bunch of cloths.

No more bibs/cloths all over the place, clean or dirty.


E sat in a high chair (happily) well past the time he could have transitioned to a booster so we never used one. Since then, we've had nieces and nephews and friends visit regularly enough that we've kept the high chair and bibs in the dining room instead of in storage.

This organization system is something we still use now.  Facecloths that E uses to wash his own face in the bathroom after meals as well as spit cloths from T go straight into the bag after they've been used. When T begins solids in a few weeks (!?!?) the cloths and bibs will be in high rotation again!


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