One Day in The Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Tree Birthday Party


For T's 4th birthday we celebrated with the theme to his (obscure) current favourite book "One Day in the Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Tree." Unsurprisingly there were not a lot of online options (free or otherwise) for this theme but we came up with some good ideas if I do say so myself!



The weather did NOT cooperate (it drizzled the whole party) and so decorations were at a minimum. I photocopied images of each animal the snake swallows in the book and hung them on a red plastic tablecloth (in order left to right).

We also placed whirly twirly toys (pinwheels) per the story around the yard.


We ate a delicious snake cake created by a friend. And we provided already poured water and punch in cups to minimize touching shared items.


We played the book on CD and the decorations on the table followed the order of the story so the kids didn't need to see the pictures in the book.

This is the first birthday party where we've done a pinata (with lots of hand sanitizing between turns) and the kids enjoyed it but it was much harder than expected to actually get it open. We had all the goodies within the pinata pre-packaged for each kid (for germ-containment purposes).


We had the kids each take home a whirly twirly toy or two and the pinata contained the favours for the party.


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