January/February 2021 Virtual / At-Home School

Now that school is happening in person again, I thought I'd share some pictures from January and February's virtual / at-home learning. I didn't take a ton of photos this month and certainly none of our hard moments (there were lots) but overall we were lucky to be able to adapt okay to this season. 

I really enjoyed gaining insight into my kids' learning styles and to see how they responded to this new mode of learning was really interesting. E (7.5yo) definitely has an interest in how computers work and all things technical so has enjoyed the major increase in screen time he's received.

T (4yo) is starting to work on his fine motor control and building strength to hold crayons and pencils. His interest in letter names and sounds has grown significantly over the last few months and he's starting to read beginner primers where all the words except one are the same on each page. It's certainly been nice to see how each kid's personality shows up in their learning.


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